HBSMR Documentation


HBSMR Documentation

This website contains resources to support all users and system administrators of the Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Records (HBSMR) system from Exegesis SDM. It is organised into two main sections, a user guide describing how to operate the HBSMR application, and a system administration guide covering configuration of the system, advanced functionality, and management of reference data sets. The site also hosts discussion forums for registered users, and documentation from the HBSMR User Group.

HBSMR v6 splash screen

HBSMR team availability

Exegesis Historic Environment / HBSMR consultants can provide support by phone, email, Teams, Skype, or Zoom. We find screen-sharing to address any support issues can be more effective than email or phone.

Useful links and contact details

Office mainline 44 (0) 3330 111 200
General email hbsmr@idoxgroup.com
Technical Support Log a support issue or service request in the Idox Customer Portal
If you have any difficulties logging in, e.g. wrong password leading to suspended account, please phone 03330 111 444, and leave a voicemail if they do not pick up immediately. Give your name and organisation and they should be able to help. You can also email servicedesk@idoxgroup.com
HBSMR on GitHub Issues and requests log
Hosted HBSMR Status and maintenance notifications
Crispin Flower 03330 146 871
Dr Gary Duckers 03330 146 811
Steve Ellwood 03330 146 758
Sylvina Tilbury 03330 146 759


HBSMR users may also be interested in the documentation for these related Exegesis products:

LibraryLink 4

LibraryLink 5




Registered users only

The majority of the contents of the web site are accessible to registered users only - please apply for an account here. If you already have an account, please sign in below.

Sign In
