HBSMR Documentation


HBSMR Web & API: Licensing

Because the development of HBSMR Web/API is funded in part by the User Group's Development Reserve, and in part by Exegesis SDM, a licensing and maintenance model has been agreed that aims to deliver sustainable development, maintenance and technical support services for at least twenty years.

The table below shows how clients qualify for licensing and MATS for HBSMR Web and API. The intention is to make adoption achievable for all, while rewarding past investment in desktop modules, and with logical breakdowns of modularity and service. The implication is that if a particular HER doesn’t don’t have a module already, the pricing to acquire it will be the same as the desktop equivalent. Of course an HER with the new Web and API will get much more for the same investment, as they will in effect get both desktop and web-based modules.

Product  Sub-component/Service How licensed MATS
WEB Search and publish record details for any modules other than Themes and Consultations HBSMR Gateway (hosted or owned)  HBSMR Gateway (hosting or MATS)
WEB Interactive maps At least one MapLink licence MapLink MATS
WEB Privileged access to records (i.e. requiring a login) other than Themes and Consultations One login per HBSMR desktop licence (full or read-only) HBSMR desktop MATS
WEB Privileged access to records in maps (i.e. requiring a login) other than Themes and Consultations One login per MapLink desktop licence (full or read-only) MapLink MATS
WEB Content Management: blog and content pages One editing web user per Themes module owned Themes module MATS
WEB Publishing Themes record details At least one Themes module Themes module MATS
WEB Privileged access to Themes records (i.e. requiring a login)  One login per Themes module licence Themes module MATS
WEB Publishing Consultations record details At least one Consultations module (now free, but MATS required) Consultations module MATS
WEB Privileged access to Consultations records (i.e. requiring a login)  One login per Consultations module licence Consultations module MATS
WEB Integrated images and documents  LibraryLink Web Service or LibraryLink 5 Server licence LibraryLink Web Service MATS
API Sitemaps, data access API  HBSMR Gateway (hosted or owned)  HBSMR Gateway (hosting or MATS)
API MapServer OGC Services and MapServer Proxy HBSMR Gateway GIS module (hosted or owned) HBSMR Gateway GIS module (hosting or MATS)
API HBSMR Gateway 2.0 API HBSMR Gateway (hosted or owned)  HBSMR Gateway (hosting or MATS)

In future, when HBSMR Web develops significant editing capabilities, we will add a new cost-effective SaaS licensing model for non-staff volunteer users. These users will be able to work on monument/event/source records, without access to administrative functions, record validation, or casework functions.