HBSMR Documentation


HBSMR Change Log

This page gives details of changes and new features in each release of HBSMR. The numbers prefixed with # are links to the GitHub issues.

See also the HBSMR Gateway Change Log.

HBSMR v6 Change Log

v6.20.** release date: coming February 2025

#664 Fixed bug where sorting on ID label was generating an error on Person sub forms.

#662 Improved tab order on Source tabs for Event, Find and Consultation detail forms.

#658 Improved Monument Full Report Description title issue for disaggregated description mode.

#657 Fixed bug where LibraryLink Cache Metadata values with lots of \r\n were truncated to 200 chars.

#654 Fixed bug where LibraryLink caching was filling up the xgSysErrorLog table with notifications when there are no linked resources.

#651 Fixed "Invalid use of Null" error when no Source Type is set on Source form.

#650 Fixed caption on validation feedback dialogue.

#648 Increase size of Term field in TermLUT to 100 characters as it's truncating a term.

#645 Fixed bug where Selection checkbox was not working on Person Index form.

#643 Cosmetic improvement to DesignationSummaryRpt design.

#630 Fixed bug where LibraryLinkCache mechanism was failing on apostrophes (and other special characters) in a configured metadata field.

#625 Fixed bug where "New Find Type and/or Period" did not save to the Find record if Thesaurus browser form had been opened and closed without selecting a term.

#622 Improve LHLP synchronisation to take advantage of improvements in the LHLP API.

#613 Find Form: added pencil button after Find Period field to make it more obvious how to edit.

#596 Fixed bug on Source form where Collection Organisation did not refresh after new Organisation added.

#583 Enabled Primary Source field on XY form for Consultation records.

#573 Fixed issue with LHLP importer caused by xgTmpLHLPAsset.Name field being too short.

#571 Prevented records in HBSMR from being accidentally deleted with Ctrl+Minus sign (-).

#482 Global recording: show extent in metres on record detail forms when using 4326.

#481 Global recording: ensured correct geography orientation when using 4326.

#347 Accessibility improvement: ensured Mon Tree popup form can be used with keyboard.

v6.10.19 release date: 05th November 2024

#639 Improved performance of Mon Tree significantly (this had been impacted by changes to data structures for Finds).

#633 Fixed newly introduced bug where AuditTrail form showed an error on opening if there had been no edits in the past 7 days.

#632 Improved index form generic code to allow option group controls.

#627 Fixed bug where a Find could not be copied if "Type(s), Material and Date" was selected.

v6.10.16 release date: 08th October 2024

#626 Restored form MonPersonSubFrm which had been accidentally removed during tidying up.

v6.10.15 release date: 04th October 2024

#623 Fixed broken GIS exports in ArcGIS Desktop.

v6.10.13 release date: 18th September 2024

Several minor bug fixes arising from version 6.10.09, including:


v6.10.09 release date: 29th August 2024

#561 Fixed configuration of Maritime Vessel Type thesaurus.

#559 Fixed XSLT for browser views so that angled brackets display correctly in the Monument Summary.

#558 Improved sequence of auditing operations so that deletion of a Monitoring record triggers update of [MonMapAttributeBucket] table (if it's configured to include latest monitoring status, for example).

#557 Fixed HLC Character Area Analysis Report so it no longer truncates the display of some data.

#553 Fixed bug where an error occurred when a user attempted to add period information to a Mon Type record with no Mon Type specified; warning shown instead.

#552 Cosmetic improvements to Monument Relationships form.

#551 Cosmetic improvements to EventTabSourceSubFrm and FindTabSourceSubFrm.

#550 Improved consistency in use of 'New', 'Add', and pencil icon across various subforms.

#547 Fixed printing a report from Simple Search form.

#546 Fixed bug where records could appear more than once in results in the Simple Search form.

#545 Fixed bug where Provenance tab in Find form did not always show linked Event (where the Event was not itself linked to the linked Monument); it will now display regardless.

#541 Allowed hyperlink fields to display as bright blue (typical hyperlink styling) instead of the configured report text colour.

#540 Fixed bug where adding a new Mon Type Period record failed when the database already has over 32768 MonTypePeriod records.

#535 Removed Minimise button on Notes modal form, as it minimised the whole HBSMR application.

#533 Increased the number of available tabs on all detail forms to 16.

#531 Monument monitoring: enable (optional) automated calculation of Condition (via configurable weighted values). Development sponsored by National Trust.

#529 Fixed bug where UserLUT GISOptions value didn't work when ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro are both available.

#527 Fixed issue where parameter queries as data sources for index forms were no longer prompting for parameter values.

#526 Fixed cosmetics of date fields on DesignationIndexTabGeneralSubFrm - these were too narrow and missing date picker.

#525 Fixed bug where revoked and amended dates from DesignationHistory were being incorrectly updated in MonStatus table.

#522 Fixed bug where grid reference in Browser view was incorrect with an 'e' at the end e.g. TM 6012e 2247e instead of TM 01226 24706.

#513 Fixed bug where deleting empty record on Designations 'History' tab caused error.

#510 Fixed bug where updating browser cache failed for Thesaurus Term records.

#506 Added missing help page links across all recent forms.

#505 Mechanism for managing a cache of LibraryLink 5 linked resources (for a variety of purposes).

#503 Improved various cosmetics and behaviours of the Audit Trail form (which was new in v6.00).

#500 Improved column sizing of Mon Monitoring sub-form Compiler drop-down.

#484 Fixed bug where Index form map button could throw an error after an export had been run.

#481 and #482 Improved handling of spatial data and metadata when HBSMR is operating in global coordinate system.

#476 Improved feedback re "Save Snapshot" - changed to refer to "Export".

#475 People and Organisations modules completely rebuilt to operate like other modules.

#473 Added ability to link Monument Monitoring records to Events.

#443 Allowed longer error messages to be logged (previously limited to 255 characters). (Was also included in previous hotfix release).

#427 Made admin area searches specific to the admin area type selected when no AdminAreaSeparator is configured.

#423 Enabled recording dates earlier than 1753 for Events.

#339 Fixed bug where attempting to open a non-existent Person from Memory/History didn't behave the same as for other entities.

#320 Fixed bug where selecting a title over 5 characters long in People form caused an error and failed to save.

#255 Finds module now allows multiple indexing by Type, Currency, and Period

#232 Fixed bug where Monument Description form was no longer editable in disaggregated mode (mode 2).

#227 Monument tree - prevented infinite repetition of records below child nodes.

#193 MonStatus and Designation Grade values changed to use a proper LUT rather than text list.

#187 Improved behaviour when records selected in an Index form do not have any spatial objects and user clicks to go to map.

#154 Sources – added fields for ‘Language’, ‘Right Note’ and ‘Right Type’.

#152 Linked Sources and Consultations modules - required to satisfy Compliance Profile for ‘Casework and Consultation’.

#149 Finds Module - added Recovery Method.

#136 Added ability to filter on Currency of Monument/Component Type.

#133 Enabled multiple map layers for Events module.

#128 Enabled linking multiple Finds from Bookmarks and History to an Event, with a warning where this could overwrite existing links.

#62 Email notifications for tasks.

#52 Linked Consultations and Designations modules - required for Compliance Profile.

#42 Added Date Qualifier field to Find period.

#36 Removed redundant import routines.

#24 Improved Check Current Connections Admin Function to show UserFullName instead of UserName.

v6.00.20 release date: 08 March 2024

#528 Fixed bug where Mon Index filter produced an error when attempting to view on map.

v6.00.19 release date: 27 February 2024

#523 Fixed bug where Mon Index filter using CSV failed if the CSV contained duplicate MonUID values.

#521 Corrected the date format in xgSHINEExportQry so that it meets ISO8601 format.

#520 Fixed bug where printing a report from an index form with about 202 records could fail, saying the report was not found.

#518 Enlarged the default opening size of the XY form as it was not displaying everything.

#517 Fixed bug where a syntax error was encountered when selecting Most Recent on Mon Index Scores filtering.

#512 Fixed bug where closing index form without running a filter resulted in an error in the logs from SetFormNonLinkMode.

#511 Fixed bug where using the Designation Link Search Button on Monument Status & Scores tab resulted in an error.

#509 Fixed bug where Mon Index form with CSV data source could give incorrect record count.

#508 Fixed bug where Index Form with data source of a CSV in UTF-8 with BOM format resulted no records.

#496 Fixed bug where MonMapAttributeBucket was not updated when a user changes the Validation status.

#443 Increased size of ErrorDescr field in xgSysErrorLog so that more complex error messages could be properly captured.

v6.00.13 release date: 25 September 2023

#498 Fixed bug where EventFrm Record Type field not populated when form is opened in some circumstances.

#497 v6.00 form sizes were too tall for some common laptop screens and scaling settings

#495 Resolved incompatibility with SQL Server 2014 in function usp_ValidateDepositData (requires use of remedial SQL script usp_ValidateDepositData_2014_2016.sql)

v6.00.12 release date: 18 Aug 2023

#492 Fixed bug where GIS Export didn't work with ArcGIS Pro

#491 Fixed bug where Dates were not copying correctly with Designation Copy Record

#490 Fixed bug where LibraryLink 5 instantiation failed if UserLUT.UserName value for current user contains a space (the fix requires using the correct wrapper for v6.00.* rather than HBSMR itself)

#489 Fixed bug where MonIndexFrm incorrectly showed a * on General tab when no criteria are present

#488 Fixed bug where SelectTermAndDatePeriodFrm produces error when Enter is pressed after term is selected

#486 Fixed bug where pressing Enter on date picker on Designation History tab causes "Error loading SourceFrm"

#448 Fixed bug where GIS selections (and selections from other custom data sources) on index forms were behaving erratically

v6.00.09 release date: 17 May 2023

Items in bold represent significant new or improved functionality.

#479 Added support for MapLink for ArcGIS Pro

#462 Increased default form size to help resolve layout problems

#461 Provided a simple method of including the organisation's logo on all reports

#460 Overhauled the cosmetics of all reports

#459 Added 'module usage monitoring reports' to HBSMR

#455 Replaced Microsoft Web Browser Control with CEFSharp on remaining forms where it is used

#451 Fixed drop-down lists that may truncate the contents

#449 Added timestamp field to all editable tables that do not already have one

#435 Added support for global coordinate system – funded by Defence Infrastructure Organisation

#413 Deposit data extension to Events module: capabilities for storage, querying, reporting, import and export

#411 Developed validation queries for the HER Audit, to run at module level

#399 Added Validation Status to entities that did not already have it

#394 Added Friendly view of Audit Trail allowing rapid navigation to records

#360 Validation tool: allow this to be run on Index forms, to operate on selected records

#358 Added bulk deletion capability

#269 Made a Tab Form for Associated Files / Resources (suitable for use in all modules)

#202 Consultations Index form - enabled search on Proposal

#161 Added Task button to Bookmark pane of the Memory form, allowing Tasks to be created easily for multiple records

#156 Re-enabled WGS84 conversions in 64-bit Office (required new version of Grid Inquest from Ordnance Survey)

#151 Added Event ‘Work Status’ field

#150 Added Event ‘Activity Objective’ field

#129 Consultations: increased length of ReferRef field from 50

#127 Added "Fetch from Memory" to Index Form "Include" tab

#113 Change the way Vessel Type is recorded (to become a Mon Type)

#106 Designations: allowed recording more than one amendment

HBSMR v5.70 Change Log

Release date:
5.70.07 released 18 May 2022.
5.70.08 released 15 July 2022 - includes additional fix in LHLP integration. Includes schema migrations up to "20220614163334_LHLP_usp_UpsertLHLPData_Revision_415".

Items in bold represent significant new or improved functionality.

#441 Fixed bug where Finds browser form was not working in HBSMR v5.60.

#439 Fixed bug where the Entity Importer could create invalid records if the UID field contained spaces.

#437 Fixed bug where the LibraryLink 4 button was disabled for Viewers in HBSMR v5.60.

#436 Prevented deletion of Period nodes from the Monument Tree, as this was causing problems.

#434 Fixed bug where GIS exports using QGIS failed to report outcome to user.

#431 Improved the dialogues associated with the merge tool for Sources and Monuments.

#429 Fixed bug where it was not possible to open files from the LibraryLink v4 tab in HBSMR v5.60.16.

#428 Fixed the Main Menu icon on form toolbars.

#425 Improved compatibility with LibraryLink 5.

#415 Added capability to retrieve and synchronize records with the Local Heritage List Platform.

#346 Fixed bug where the Monument Tree right-click menu could appear in wrong place when HBSMR running on an application server.


HBSMR v5.60 Change Log

Release date:
5.60.16 released 24 August 2021. Includes schema migrations up to "20201222145532_SourceFindLinkData_10"

NB 5.50 must be installed first.

Items in bold represent significant new or improved functionality.

#422 Resolved intermittent instability of Monument Type form

#397 Improved efficiency of MonTypeFrm by removing duplicate actions in After Insert and After Update events.

#396 Improved layout of main menu footer texts.

#395 Fixed bug in index form code re AllNull control.

#393 Increased size of ScoreValue field in MonScoreValuesLUT to 50 characters (from 20).

#392 Made some Gateway load improvements, including fixing the problem with handling XML data using newer SQL Server drivers. See this forum post for more on the SQL drivers.

#391 Improved the Monument Type Period summary from certain combinations of dates that were producing misleading text.

#390 Removed some old unused hotfix queries.

#389 Permitted deletion of a Type on the Monument Tree without first having to remove Period records.

#386 fixed recently introduced bug where filtering Events by Monument Type and/or Period didn't work.

#385 fixed issue where the Monument Tree could display an empty Period node if "Period Unknown" had been specified.

#384 made the opening of the Consultations Index Form significantly faster (and all other index forms, but Consultation was particularly affected, and could take 30 seconds on some databases).

#383 fixed bug where deletion of an Organisation would fail (silently) if the Organisation was the referring organisation for a Consultation.

#382 fixed issue that on the Monument Index form when filtering on Status/Refs the Type and Grade drop-downs were too narrow.

#379 fixed "ODBC call failed" errors from functions DetermineLatestRecord and FlagBrowserCacheForUpdate by changing to pass-through SQL.

#376 fixed a bug where the Source form could fail to open after linking records.

#375 fixed a bug where a Theme record would fail to save if content was very long.

#374 fixed bug where merging monuments with spatial data did not re-link associated spatial metadata.

#372 fixed a bug in the Theme editor where adding an image with an apostrophe in the Display Text caused a script error.

#370 improved code to prevent error log entries for index forms SetFormNonLinkMode.

#369 improved GetRecordCaption code (used for History/Bookmarks to make record captions) to prevent errors/failures.

#367 improved the SQL for vieBrowserMon to avoid outputting redundant spatial fields.

#366 fixed a bug that could cause XML export to fail from Index Forms.

#365 added compatibility with LibraryLink 5 (while retaining compatibility with LibraryLink 4).

#364 improved the stored procedure that deletes records ([dbo].[usp_DeleteRecord]) to remove the deleted record from the BrowserCache, and improved the auditing of geometry deletion.

#362 Monument related Finds: add the Thesaurus Term to the Browser Cache.

#361 improved the Admin Function for rebuilding spatial indexes to avoid timeouts and silent failures that could leave the table un-indexed.

#359 fixed bug that stopped validation report refreshing to show up-to-date information if it was already open.

#357 made Monument/Component Type form behaviour consistent with other forms when move to different Monument record (i.e. move to first "type" for the new Monument record).

#356 made Designation.User6 field larger to accommodate East Sussex's ANA guidance texts.

#355 fixed index form failing when custom query data source returns more than 32,767 records.

#352 changed label "New" to "Add" for Monument Type Periods.

#350 fixed bug where clicking a result in Simple Search results opened a File Explorer window.

#349 fixed bug where UnloadTabFormsOnExit=1 breaks Themes form.

#348 added email address field to UserLUT for improved integration with LibraryLink 5 and to permit email notifications.

#346 fixed bug where Monument Tree context-menu could appear in the wrong place when HBSMR is running on an application server.

#344 improved code to prevent error log entries for INSERT INTO xgSysConfigSettings Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint.

#343 Moved SMRCodes table to back-end database, added new values and updated incorrect existing ones.

#341 fixed bug where one couldn't type in the PrefRef field on the Provenance tab of the Find detail form.

#338 corrected the caption on PAS import form.

#334 updated the source control mechanism to take advantage of improvements in 3rd party libraries.

#322 fixed bug where on the Monument Index Form the admin areas drop-down didn't display * for non-current values.

#293 improved the display of linked Consultation records on the Monument Tree to show the external reference.

#288 allowed the custom ("z") schema to be used for browser cache customisations.

#287 Merge tool for Sources.

#285 added Validation values to all SQL views that add related records to the browser cache, to allow filtering of related records lists (e.g. for public users in an HBSMR WEB site).

#284 improved the HTML editing functionality in Themes module (including support for HTML5 elements).

#260 websites linked to records under "Resources" now appear as clickable hyperlinks in PDF reports.

#212 in the XY form, allowed saving changes to width and order of the datasheet columns.

#241 fixed bug where removing a child monument type (in the tree) didn't register in the audit trail.

#211 In the XY form metadata, display last edit date and editor (or created date and creator if that's all there is).

#139 Scientific Dating overhaul.

#32 spatial data and metadata can now be included when copying records.

#10 Compliance Profile: link Sources directly to Finds records.

#1 allowed filtering on Other Refs on the Event Index Form.

HBSMR v5.50 Change Log

Release date:
5.50.12 released 4th November 2019. Includes schema migrations up to 20191025135258_usp_DeleteRecord_336

NB 5.06 must be installed first.

#335 Fixed bug in 5.50 where deleting Mon or Mon Type left orphan MonTypePeriod.

#331 Fixed bug in 5.50 where deleting individual features using XY form failed.

#329 Improved formatting of the composite Mon Descr + Sources after removal of excess spacing in 5.50.

#326 Improved resilience to "System Resource Exceeded" in 32-bit MS Office by allowing for unloading form tabs on exit; uses new INI setting UnloadTabFormsOnExit=1.

#323 Improved layout of LibraryLink sub-form on Sources to make thumbnails accessible.

#322 Ensured non-current Admin Areas appear with leading "* " on index forms. Completed for Monuments only at this stage.

#120 Allowed custom validation to be run on all records in a module from Admin Functions, using function ValidateAllEntityRecords.

5.50.06 BETA released 10th July 2019

#311 Removed excess spacing from the HTML versions of the Mon Description with Sources (appears on tab and Heritage Gateway).

#310 Fixed bug where merging Monument records failed if choose to drop spatial data.

#309 Fixed bug where opening a Task from the Task list didn't work after using the Main Menu button on a details form.

#307 Added dashboard capabilities to make Bootstrap 4 cards (with working example for Consultations).

#305 &#301 New upgrade mechanism for database changes, with HBSMR checking the database is valid on start-up.

#303 Added configuration and views for Morph Site and Morph Unit for Browser Cache.

#302 Fixed bug where it was not possible to enter easting/northing for a Monument record when in "Group Layers" mode.

#300 Deletion of People and Organisations now gives option to proceed regardless of usages (which are also deleted).

#299 Ensured Monument Description saved to database when the form is automatically hidden by another action.

#298 Added SimplifiedGeom field to *Geom tables, with a trigger to update this when the geometry changes. Uses new INI setting [MapModule] SimplifiedGeomTolerance=N

#297 Fixed bug where users could see details of non-permitted records using navigation buttons.

#295 Improved cosmetics of Global Re-coding form.

#294 Ensured thesaurus browser refreshes to show candidate term edits.

#292 Made changes to allow HBSMR to use the SQL Server Native Client driver (for compatibility with TLS1.2).

#291 Made History/Bookmark forms instantly commit changes when check box ticked/unticked.

#290 Moved common data operation functions to SQL stored procedures (record deletion, auditing, record creation).

#289 Changed Gateway Load process so it can work without opening main menu (which had cause problems in scheduled automatic loads).

#283 Restored missing index form tab template form.

#282 Re-styled template custom tabs to match current look and feel.

#280 Fixed bug where LibraryLink + Template Links dialogue form could appear off bottom of screen preventing further user action.

#279 Fixed bug where Admin function "Import HBSMR Entity" failed on Organisations and Designations.

#278 Added Mon.Descr to Browser Cache.

#277 Fixed the "View linked Theme" choice dialogue, which was too tall.

#267 Reviewed and improved benchmark query and report for "grid reference precision", in line with v5 spatial metadata structures.

#265 Created a new SQL function to return all parent terms for a given thesaurus Term.

#209 Fixed bug where record deletion could fail silently yet still be logged in the Audit Trail.

#208 Changes in recording Period for Monument Types.

#160 Added Target Date for Tasks, with configurable default, with the forms showing clearly if a Task is overdue.

#155 Implemented Audit Trail for People and Organisations.

#142 Added "merge" tool for People and Organisations (also adds these to Memory).

#120 Added customisable validation function for all main modules.

HBSMR v5.06 Change Log

Release date: 27th November 2018.

NB 5.04 OR 5.05 must be installed first.

#272 Fixed bug in LibraryLink v4 implementation affecting records with idThumb out of Integer variable range.
#270 Made LibraryLink tables re-attach when AutoCheckOnLoad=1.
#266 Fixed minor cosmetic issue with date pickers on Designations detail form.
#264 LibraryLink Tab - set default value for "Use ThumbsPlus" to true.
#263 Improved display with scaled fonts: the Main Menu could hide part of the HER name, and Thesaurus Browser looked wrong.
#262 HBSMR could fail to close LibraryLink cleanly, so added new LibraryLinkQuit in LibraryLink 4.1 and used this when closing HBSMR.
#261 Made HBSMR set the HyperlinkBase property, so that Associated File / Resources hyperlinks are always generated with absolute paths.
#259 Completed fix of issue where creating an Event or Source could fail silently if the user's default validation status was not in the LUT. Records are now created, and the "bad" validation status is ignored, and a log entry records that this has happened.
#258 Fixed bug where filtering Events by Thesaurus Type in v5.04/5.05 showed a parameter popup and filtering didn't work correctly.
#100 Added new INI setting to allow Monument Descr and Sources forms to close together: MonDescrSourceFormsCloseEachOther=1.

HBSMR v5.05 Change Log

Release date: 15th October 2018

#259 (Partly) fixed issue where creating an Event or Source could fail silently if the user's default validation status was not in the LUT. Records are now created, and the "bad" validation status is ignored, but it does not yet log that this has happened.
#256 Fixed incorrect tool tip on Monument Detail Form Tree.

HBSMR v5.04 change log

Release date: June 2018

#251 Allow HBSMR 5.04 (and later) to work with LibraryLink version 3.
#250 Added HBSMR WEB user identifier field [cs_User_ID] to UserLUT (to associate HBSMR WEB user accounts with HBSMR desktop accounts).
#249 The new Main Menu "Dashboard": allowed Main Menu browser to call custom code.
#247 Added new features with LibraryLink v4, specifically:
A new (optional) tab on all details forms, configured with


  • displays existing linked files as thumbnails plus basic metadata (in ranked order)
  • allows linked files to be opened directly
  • allows LibraryLink Editors to catalogue and link new files simply by browsing to them (default folder set with DefaultImageBrowseFolder= in [LibraryLink] section)

It is now possible to open LibraryLink from selections of records on index forms, to view all linked files, and to link files to all selected records.
#246 Added "z" schema into the HBSMR database for custom objects.
#245 Fixed bug in usp_GetBrowserXMLForRecord to account for Null PUID on a Monument Type (could stop the browser form loading for a monument type).
#244 Fixed xgEventBrowser.xsl to show thesaurus Event Types correctly in the browser.
#243 Improved DesignationTabUserFieldsSubFrm cosmetics and added documentation.
#242 Fixed bug where deleting spatial data was incorrectly audited as record deletion.
#239 Deliver local html file for the main menu browser (can help resolve System Resource Exceeded errors).
#238 Added Thesaurus Terms uses into the browser cache and onto the browser form.
#237 Corrected trailing spaces in [dbo].[vieBrowserOrgPerson] and [dbo].[vieBrowserPerson].
#236 Included baseline set of stored procedures and views for HBSMR WEB/API.
#235 Changed browsercache stored procedures to include empty XML elements (needed for Razor syntax in HBSMR WEB).
#234 Changed our custom zoom memo editor so user cannot inadvertently close it without saving.
#233 Improved cosmetics on MonIndexStatusFrm and MonIndexScoreFrm.
#230 Corrected casing of "QGIS" on Main Menu.
#229 Improved sizing and captioning Global re-coding form (thesaurus version).
#226 Allowed "User" control on Detail forms Metadata tab to expand with form.
#225 Fixed niggle in Monument Contacts: People - first column in the drop-down was too narrow.
#224 Fixed niggle where finding record by double-click on UID fails if trailing space pasted in by accident.
#223 Improved layout and formatting of DateSciSubFrm.
#222 Fixed bug where MonIndexFrm Status/Refs filter dialogue errored when switch between Active/Revoked/All.
#221 Fixed issue where MonIndexFrm Status/Refs filter dialogue sort order of Type had legacy types before current types.
#220 Allowed Monument/Component Type window to be re-sized.
#219 New method of setting MapInfo object style according to data-driven rules.
#218 Fixed issues where snapshot XML export could generate invalid xsd.
#217 Improved design of XML exporter to avoid renaming the XSL file and back again.
#216 Fixed issue where Entity Importer failed if there was an Autonumber field in the incoming table.
#214 Permitted disabling LibraryLink counter and button with INI settings even if LibraryLink is installed.
#213 Allow reduced precision WKT generation.
#115 Fixed bug users with IsCurrent=0 still appeared in drop-down list on LoginFrm.
#114 Fixed bug where, in the Mon Tree, Events that are children of linked Events showed different variants of EvUID & Ref.
#101 Fixed bug where deleting an Event record could fail if it cannot find the LibraryLink_XGImageLink table.
#99 Add UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[udf_StripHTML] (for HBSMR-WEB).
#98 Extend "No GIS" functionality to include Designations, allowing the XY button to open a zDesigGeoFrm custom form.
#97 Fixed bad Mon Description Source window caption.
#96 Fixed bug where couldn't set data source of index form to CSV.
#95 Improved spatial indexing stored procedure.
#92 Improved default size and position on Mon Descr and Sources forms.
#91 Non-current users are not differentiated in the user list on the Task form.
#90 Added auditing for changes made on the XY form.
#89 Fixed bug where "Get from GIS" on Designations closed the MonIndexFrm when it shouldn't.
#88 Prepared and tested 5.04 hotfixer.
#87 Improve layout of SelectTermAndDateFrm and improve calling code.
#86 Made change to avoid GIS export showing security warning about opening MDB - re-write to prevent this.
#85 Fixed bug where People & Organisations Form (from Main Menu) showed incorrect caption.
#84 Resolved issues where on Mon details if MonIndexFrm was open with no filtered set of records, the record nav buttons on the Detail form did nothing and it was not clear why .
#83 After showing a map selection in MonIndexFrm, adding Mon Types to the criteria can fail (which in turn became a major effort to re-write any functions that dynamically change the contents of HBSMR.ACCDB, as this was felt to be contributing to instability on some client environments).
#82 Resolved bug where HBSMRv5 was creating WKT that was not compatible with MapServer, so mapping could fail in the Heritage Gateway.
#81 Fixed bug where deleting a Monument Type on the MonTypeFrm didn't update the "bucket table".
#80 Fixed issue where lack of a PrefRef prevented the creation of TreeDesc in vieMonTreeMonQry.
#79 Fix bugs in GIS metadata config in upgrade scripts and in a HBSMR hotfix.
#46 Consultations - allowed recording multiple references, as for Sources/Events/Finds. The upgrade inserts the draft new INI settings in the [Consultation Tabs] section, but the numbers need to be set to activate the tab.


HBSMR v5.03 change log

Release date: 18th June 2017

#73 Fixed bug where QGIS GIS export did not clean up after itself correctly.

#72 Fixed bug where GIS export for QGIS mis-reported success/failure because looks for wrong files.

#70 LibraryLink Template Links ActionChoiceFrm is not linked up to the Clear Form Size/Position Settings tool

#67 Show map button on the "Metadata for selected feature" form didn't switch the focus to QGIS.

#57 Monuments: increase size of 'other statuses and codes' section.

#37 Improve structure of Event browser cache XML Event Types to remove duplicate element name.

#35 Fixed bug where ArcGIS was opening instead of QGIS where both were installed and user was configured to use QGIS.

#34 Add EventRecordType to vieBrowserEvent (no change in XSLT at this stage).

#33 Fixed bug "Clr" button on the GeomMetadataDetailSubFrm didn't work.

#29 Enabled LibraryLink "Template Links" functionality.

#27 Fixed bug in 5.02 where Monument Sources form opened behind Description form.

#26 Double-click on geographic position form "Notes about quality" and "Feature description" were both opening LUT editor showing GeoQualifierLUT. Now both open the memo editor.

#25 Added configuration of Help URL for grid reference editing form (was missing).

#12 Further work on ensuring caches are updated after all kinds of editing in Monument tree.

#4 Further work on SHINE export folder to prevent HBSMR hanging if an invalid folder specified.


HBSMR v5.00/5.01 change log

Released 11th January 2017

[18294] Added ways of showing in forms, browser view and on reports which Source used as source for geometry (Mons, Events, Designations).

[20628] Mapped features relating to HBSMR records are now stored in the HBSMR SQL Server database instead of MapInfo tables or ESRI personal geodatabases.

[22896] Copying records now always copies the "User" fields if present.

[22935] Mon Description and Sources form: detached and turned into two separate (but related) forms.

[26596] Designed and built the new database structures for storing spatial data and metadata.

[26597] Created a set of scripts for upgrading a v4.13 database to v5.

[26598] Adapted the HBSMR upgrade mechanism to deliver v5, and packaged the v5 components.

[27697] Created a new "XY" form for viewing and editing spatial metadata of GIS features, plus creating/editing point features.

[28581] Made improvements to thesaurus upgrade process to speed it up and reduce chances of stalling on slow networks.

[28671] Fixed issue where setting the Record Type while creating a new Event record  triggered the  dialogue requesting confirmation of the change.

[28873] Ensured HBSMR can run in 64-bit Office/Access

[29094] Consultations - made the Final Outcome appear beneath each tab, not just the front one.

[29132] Sources: added fields to record the scale/accuracy of the Source, and other spatial characteristics, and allowed this information to be inherited whenever a geographic feature is linked to the Source as its primary reference.

[29140] Changed Evidence and Materials to display in the order entered, instead of alphabetical; also gave these more room on the form, and showed the type as well as the term to make the presentation clearer.

[30942] Hid the confusing zero count of images that was displayed to users without a LibraryLink licence.

[30944] All references to English Heritage have been updated to Historic England, and the acknowledgements around terminology control updated to H.E. requirements.

[31082] Fixed issue where the Mon index form failed to find records without sources when searching on Summary/Descr in modes 1 and 2.

[31098] Permitted custom forms configured in CustomFormsLUT to be datasheets, tabs, or popups.

[31118] Added a new Admin function for updating the index on all spatial tables (uses function RebuildSpatialIndexes())

[31144] Added mechanism to permit configuration of which GIS option is available to each user, plus remembering which last used (in preparation for QGIS option).

[31234] Fixed issue where multiple items could appear in the Windows task bar when the HBSMR Tree controls opened (affecting Remote Desktop sessions in particular)

[31313] Fixed bug where AutoPopulateSourceCompilerAndDate=1 did not allow null compiler and date entries.

[31343] Added configuration options for expansion of Mon Tree on details form.

[31770] Corrected the Thesaurus form caption

[31859] Added double click zoom functionality on the Consultation Stage descriptive field.

[31863] Corrected the target address of the Help button on the GenericPopUpEditFrm large text editor window.

[31864] Improved accessibility of HBSMR with new keyboard shortcuts for navigation in the memo text editor.

[31867] Improved accessibility by adding keyboard shortcuts to set focus into form headers and footers to access tools with keyboard shortcuts.

[31981] Cosmetic changes to icons and banners for v5.

[31982] Fixed issue where the OASIS import was failing on Windows 8.1 and above.

[31983] Amended OASIS importer to create map points without calling GIS (as faster and more reliable).

[31984] Fixed the Browser form so that it is not truncated on first opening.

[32002] Re-wrote GetFromGIS for Designations, Cons and HLC (All fetching Monuments) to operate entirely in the database rather than calling the GIS (faster and more reliable).

[32070] Fixed bug where the "Is Address" checkbox on MonLocationFrm After Update did not function.

[32121] Altered details form tabs code to permit more than 10 tabs.

[32154] Implemented new method of resolving script errors in embedded browser window in HBSMR.

[32174] Added configurable mechanism for enabling complex attributes in map layers.

[32181] Added mechanism for setting the embedded browser emulation registry key to any value.

[32182] Improved performance of thesaurus form by various means (indexing and tree code).

[32211] Amended PAS import to create points in database without calling the GIS application (faster and more reliable).

[32222] The Index forms now have '*' on the Tab to show if there is criteria selected on that form, except for the 'Include/Exclude' tab which didn't... it does now.

[32236] Fixed bug in the thesaurus browser where the button to view a related term was not working.


Not done

[22670] Event from/to dates: switch to using SQL Server "datetime2" or "date" format. We had to reverse this change as not all versions of MS Access are compatible with datetime2 format.

Data structure changes

All tables in dbo schema unless otherwise specified.

Table(s) Change + explanation
ConsGeom, DesignationGeom, EventGeom, HLCGeom, MonGeom New tables for storing geometry and metadata for the HBSMR modules with mapped records
ConsGeom_Edit, DesignationGeom_Edit, EventGeom_Edit, HLCGeom_Edit, MonGeom_Edit New tables for temporary handling of GIS edits
ConsGeomMetadata, DesignationGeomMetadata, EventGeomMetadata, HLCGeomMetadata, MonGeomMetadata New tables for storing spatial metadata, related one-to-one with records in the Geom tables on MI_PRINX
UserLUT Added nullable [GISoptions] field
[MAPINFO].[MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG] New table used by MapInfo Professional to understand what spatial tables and views are available and how they should behave
[maplinkdomains], [maplinkmetadata] New tables used by MapLink for ArcGIS to understand what spatial tables and views are available and how they should behave
[geometry_columns] New table used by QGIS to understand what spatial tables and views are available and how they should behave
Source Added nullable fields:   [CaptureProcess], [CaptureScale], [Precision], [Accuracy], [QualityNotes] for spatial metadata
GeoAccuracyLUT, GeoCaptureProcessLUT, GeoCaptureScaleLUT, GeoRepresentationTypeLUT, GeoValidationLUT New LUTs for spatial metadata
GeoQualifierLUT Table no longer used - will be removed from HBSMR in a future upgrade
TermUsageLUT, TermLUT Indexes improved.
vieConsGeomAll1, and many other views named vie[Module]Geom... New views representing the data sources for GIS layers. These must exist with the given names, but their SQL is configurable.
vieBrowserDesignationSource, vieBrowserEventSource, vieBrowserHLCSource, vieBrowserMonSource Changed views to show whether the Sources is a mapped representation source.
udf_GetDesignationSourceMappedFeatureInfo, udf_GetEventSourceMappedFeatureInfo, udf_GetHLCSourceMappedFeatureInfo, udf_GetMonSourceMappedFeatureInfo New functions to return information about the relationship between Sources and Geom features.
Stored Procedures  
usp_UpdateSpatialIndexes Stored procedure to update spatial indexes on all spatial tables to use bounds of stored geometries.
usp_UpdateGeometryInfo_Cons, usp_UpdateGeometryInfo_Designation, usp_UpdateGeometryInfo_Event, usp_UpdateGeometryInfo_HLC,  usp_UpdateGeometryInfo_Mon  


Modified 27/08/2017 by Crispin Flower

HBSMR v4.13 change log

v4.13 released March 2016

[29800] Fixed issue where merging monuments could fail if the ValidationLUT did not have a "REV" "Revoked" status entry. The merge routine will add this status if it is missing and the user chooses to revoke records

[29794] Fixed issues where the new HTML editor in the Themes module was dropping the ID attribute causing problems further down the line with publishing through websites and the HBSMR Gateway

[29563] Fixed error in ulmLogUse function that led to excessive entries in the error log in 4.12

[29332] Fixed CreateDBRecFromMap function, which had never worked in v4. This is used to create new HBSMR records from an optional button in the map

[29230] Fixed bug that stopped the Maritime tab on the Mon Index form working correctly

[29227] Resolved Access 2007 compatibility issues. 4.13 should work without any issues in Access 2007

[29147] Fixed issued caused by new source code control dropping default values from internal table definitions

[29146] Improved final stage of Gateway load by adding compound index across the join fields in GatewayWordLinkTmp and GatewayWordFrequencyTmp

[29139] Added ability to disable the automatic population of the ‘Compiled by’ and ‘Date compiled’ fields in the Monument/Event Source links, using new INI setting AutoPopulateSourceCompilerAndDate=0; also improved behaviour when this is activated by a) making it use the full name from UserLUT, and b) making the default values appear only once a new Source link has been created (rather than on the blank row)

[29136] Fixed issue where buttons on the thesaurus term selection form (accessed from index forms, e.g. for Event Type) could overlap each other

[29133] Fixed issue where Finds Ref double-click search showed label "Expr1002" for the FindUID column

[29131] Made labels in HLC module more generic, i.e. removing the "HLC" and ensuring important labels are configurable

[28919] Resolved issue where list reports were inadvertently switched to portait page layout in 4.12

[28918] Improved behaviour of prompt to change Record Type on Events and Sources. Originally [22922]

[28917] Ensure LogDate for new Consultations is not entered in US date format

[28890] Event Benchmark report now reports an Event as not having a type if it lacks both types from the "old" list and from the thesaurus

[28872] Replaced tree control and removed reference to Microsoft Common Controls in order for future-proofing and avoidance of MSCOMCTL.OCX problems. Functionality is largely unchanged. Text font and size is configurable with these new INI settings:

[28519] HBSMR upgrades can now bring the previous GatewayLog data into new version

[28513] Fixed bug where in 4.12 the thesaurus upgrade form displayed "#Error" in one control

[25443] Corrected help hyperlink for Theme editor form

[17388] Improved performance of the optional part of the GatewayLoad that removes unwanted images from the destination folder (LoadLibLinkFiles with blRemoveUnwantedFiles set to True)

HBSMR v4.12 change log

4.12 - released 24th June 2015

[15986] Consultations - made it configurable whether LogDate is auto-populated for new records using new INI setting



[17388] Improved Gateway loading "LoadLibLinkFiles" routine where removing unwanted images from the destination folder was very slow.

[18298] Consultations: highlight any designated Monuments when linked.

[18619] Source Location: make it a drop-down list of previously used values.

[18979] Navigation buttons took user to "wrong" last mon record when count exceeds number shown in tree. Fixed issue where this "Move to last" stopped working at all when the tree had more than about 32K nodes; now should be OK with up to 65535  nodes.

[18981] Consultations: include User1/2 fields in results from double click search, with configured labels.

[19042] Improved behaviour when users execute an index search using a non-preferred thesaurus term - now gives warning and shows preferred terms.

[19233] Help button on the record copying form now points at appropriate help page.

[20608] Made form close button more prominent.

[20611] Add [IsCurrent] field to show whether a User in UserLUT is current. The field is not yet used for anything, but can be in future.

[20612] When linking a Source to a Mon, populate Mon-Source Compiler from logged in user, and automatically set the date. Also works for Events, and when creating the link from the Source form (where these fields are not visible).

[20737] Added missing configuration to HelpLinkLUT for SelectTermAndDateFrm.

[21374] & [21145] Included more details (the Ref field and SourceUID) in the auto-generated Source details on the Mon Description tab (also for web/Gateway display).

[21468] Designations Index form - the ID field in results grid was too small, truncating long UIDs.

[22922] We now ask for confirmation before changing Record Type for Mon, Event and Source, and have removed the "Clr" button for these fields.

[23840] Added warning message and more explanation when PrefRef about to be globally changed upon opening HBSMR.

[24748] Consultations - fixed issue where details went blank on tabbing out of Date Completed control.

[24749] Consultations - changed layout to allow use of the date picker on Date Completed.

[25135] Added ability to copy the Source Admin Area when copying a Source.

[25167] Fixed DesignationFullRpt - bad data binding on UserDate1 and UserDate2 and bad label.

[25168] Fixed Mon Sources subform to avoid the problem where the date control date picker was getting in the way of the icon for opening the Source.

[25169] Made edit and reload INI reinitialise more settings (so you don't have to re-start HBSMR).

[25368] Improved feedback when bookmarking a record.

[26419] Fixed problem with loading a saved index form filters with Include/Exclude records.

[27403] Fixed problem where copying LibraryLink records in copy record from detail form failed.

[27444] Fixed bug where HBSMRuser had editing enabled on Thesaurus browser.

[27665] Introduced new method of managing linked tables using sysLinkedTableConfig.

[27666] Changed configuration of exports to use zTableExportConfig.

[27667] Revised upgrade mechanism, associated with change in source control management system.

[27668] Changed structure of sysApplicationVersion for better auditing of upgrades in future.

[27671] Consultations Index form - dates now have calendar pickers.

[27673] Allowed the global re-coding tool for LUTs to work with LUTs that have only one field, like Compiler, and fixed various minor issues that stopped this tool working for some forms.

[27672] GatewayLoad - add more fine-grained logging during word indexing.

[27734] Set embedded browser to use latest installed version of Internet Explorer (instead of the default IE7).

[27795] Added schema change tracking mechanism, logging any database changes in sysUpgradeLog table.

[27839] Upgraded CKEditor to latest stable version and fixed various issues with editing in the Themes module.

[27867] Fixed some css styles in the browser view.

[27868] Corrected bad encoding of angle brackets in rich text monument description.

[27869] Fixed printing from browser form.

[27870] Fixed some bad mark-up in monument browser html.

[27871] Added help configuration for the Theme editing form.

[27890] Added usage logging mechanism for "Software as a Service" charging.

[27891] Improved resilience and error logging on ulmLogUse which frequently reports errors in the sysErrorLog table.

[27979] and [27999] Preparation for future full text indexing of browser cache, with data structure changes in BrowserCache table and change to usp_GetAndUpdateBrowserCacheForRecord stored procedure.

[28014] Added a simple double-click search on person's name onto the People and Organisations form.

HBSMR pre v4.12 change log

4.11 - compiled 20-Nov-2014 20:55

[13592] Improved searching Monuments by Contact Organisation to include inherited links through Person.

[18870] Improved GatewayLoad so that it can resume adding Associated Files and Web Pages even if there are duplicates.

[19194] Alter Monument Tree to sort Monument Type entries by date.

[19841] Improved the exeGesIS Monument Viewer Export to include description text from MonSourceLink when in mode 1 or 2.

[19913] Altered PAS import to convert embedded UNIX newlines to Windows newline/linefeeds.

[20248] Fixed bug where with MultipleFormsVisible=1 the MonType form could get orphaned and cause problems.

[21178] Browser cache management form had incorrect caption.

[21343] Fixed HLC Index form to prevent editing of selected pick-list values.

[21354] Fixed issue where a "Type mismatch error" could be seen when exiting HBSMR main form after running filter in HLC Index form.

[21373] UserReports Table and ReportsFrm – increased field and form sizes to allow longer report names and descriptions.

[21696] Improved GatewayLoad function to log any missing associated files individually.

[21697] Improved GatewayLoad function for converting relative paths in Associated Files to absolute (still not guaranteed to work in all situations!).

[21877] Fixed bug where certain sequences of user action could lose unsaved edits when using MonDescriptionFromSourceLinks=2 (aka "Devon hardcore" mode).

[21821] Added integration with LibraryLink 3.1, including "Template Links" (Template Links support postponed).

[21996] Increased length of Designation.Name to 500 characters.

[22067] and [19924] Fixed bug where attempting a Monument index form search with two Evidence terms (or Find Material terms) failed with an ODBC error.

[22117] Improved Mon Index search on Summary/Description to search in MonSourceLink.Descr when in modes "1" or "2".

[23019] Altered the PAS importer's method of setting the character encoding, to cope with changes in the supplied format (lately it was trying to import data as UTF8, where the data file is CP1252).

[23794] Fixed bug where the PAS import was duplicating data in Finds description if there was a value in the DateFound2 field.

[24365] Changed AddressFinder code, required for new version of AF.

[24415]  Fixed issue where HLC sub-reports causing poor performance on Mon Full and Source Full reports.

[24530] Changes to bring compatibility with Windows 8/8.1.

[24531] Fixed DesignationTabListingSubFrm to prevent information being truncated at bottom of form.

[24552] Fixed bug in "GIS fetch" that meant opting not to proceed with one update made it bail out of all of them.

[24553] Amended the PAS import so it does not create one Mon where records share a [findspotcode] reference.

[24926] (and [22061]) Fixed bug where Consultations Index queries by Organisation or Agent Contact did not work.

[24997] Fixed bug where on the Monument Index Form selecting related records did not show child records in the results.


4.10 - compiled 09/12/2013 09:01:00

[19771] Fixed issue where the Period display function (udf_GetPeriod) was ignoring the 'Current' status in PeriodLUT, i.e. it could output a period that it shouldn't.

[21076] Supplied missing vieBrowserConsAdminArea, required for displaying Admin Areas for Consultations in the browser view.

[21359] Fixed bug where an empty "To" year would display as year 0 i.e. Late Iron Age.

[21541] Improved speed of Gateway loading: LoadThumbs and LoadXMLCache routines and GatewayLoadImageXMLQry.


4.09 - compiled 06/12/2013 12:16:00

[19903] Fixed cosmetic issue with Mon PrefRef label on Find Provenance tab.

[20714] Fixed issue where the Consultations Index form was not displaying '*' for non-current values in the Outcome and Development Type drop-down lists.

[21175] Fixed bug where HBSMR could crash when the login form was cancelled.

[21189] Fixed bug where the Monument "tree" allowed editing when the user had no permissions to do so.

[21496] Improved EventFullRpt to expand to fit the Organisation and to shrink when no Location field data.

[21497] Improved References section on SourceFullRpt.

[21510] & [21372] Added hourglass around all operations that go to the map, to show that something is happening while waiting for the map to load.


4.08  - compiled 08/10/2013 16:08:00

[18860] Fixed bug where HBSMR would not start using Access Runtime.

[18907] Copying an Event now includes the thesaurus Event Types.

[19903] Resolved cosmetic issue with duplicate labels when a Find had both a linked Monument and Event (Provenance tab).

[20042] Fixed the Help URL on the Finds Description tab.

[20046] Fixed bug where deleting on the XY form failed for Designations.

[20120] Improved tab order on Consultation Stage subform.

[20204] Fixed issue where editing data on the first Consultation tab and the Overall data could give rise to "The data has been changed…." message.

[20207] Prevented Cons tabs from being switched into Pivot Chart view.

[20279] Improved handling of apostrophes in Administrative Areas.

[20423] Fixed bug where the Resources button could leave a small empty form on screen.

[20598] Fixed bug where it was not possible to delete an Event having a related Event.

[20641] Improved tab order on Event form.

[20689] More subforms now order linked records on the numeric component of their UID (work in progress).

[20713] Improved sort order on some drop down lists on index forms, where non-current items (with "*") were displaying at the top of the list.

[20724] Improved tab order on Event index form.

[21036] Fixed issue where the Monument Period information was not consistent between the "Tree" and the Monument Type form.

[21068] Increased size of User1 field label on ConsTabDetailsSubFrm.

[21104] Fixed issue where the SQL to MDB export tool was not working if it found NULL values in sysLinkedTableAndExportConfig.ExportMDBName.

[21112] NOT SURE IF THIS WILL WORK Set ‘Hyperlink Base’ property to ‘\’ to ensure hyperlinks are created with absolute paths in Resources.


4.07  - compiled 02/04/2013 10:30:00

[19940] Improved the hourglass display when running a filter on an index form, so the user gets instant indication that HBSMR is busy.

[19805] Added Admin Areas to Sources module (plus report and browser view). Enabling this requires activating the extra tab:


See this help page for more information on configuring tabs.

[19806] Added the ability to filter for Sources by Admin Areas, including those associated with linked Monuments, Events and Designations. This requires new index form tab SourceIndexTabAdminAreaSubFrm configured in SourceIndexFrmTabLUT (this is added automatically by the hotfix).

[19803, 19804 & 19807] Added a Validation field to Sources, with its own LUT SourceValidationLUT. NB after upgrading, if a user has a default validation value set in UserLUT, this value must be added to SourceValidationLUT or the creation of new Source records will not be possible.

[19802] Moved Validation for Monuments, Events and Sources onto a new "Metadata" tab, which should be added automatically by the hotfix.  The tab also shows information about the creation and last modification of the current record.

[19735]  Fixed bug where LibraryLink doesn't work for Designations from Browser Form (since fixing the same issue from other forms!). Behaviour for Designations and LibraryLink should now be consistent across all forms, using "Desig" as the [xgType] value.

[19668] Improved printing reports on other entities from index forms; these could fail if the report had a complex data source. Now more resilient and faster.

[19603] Fixed issue where the size and position of the MapInfo Map form were not restored to default setting by the User Settings Clear Form Size/Position button.


4.06 - compiled 12/02/2013 08:45:00

[19632] Fixed issues preventing images within Themes from publishing through to HBSMR-web.

[19608] Fixed bug where deleting an HLC record without a Broad Type failed.

[19494] Fixed bug where right-click on the Find form raised an error.

[19382] Forms could disappear off screen, so that they would apparently not open, and this was sometimes not fixed by clearing user settings.

[19363] Increased size of Task.Descr to MAX (from 500).

[19231] Fixed bug where the Status criterion didn't work on Consultations and Designations index forms.

[19197] The GetOrganisation() function was broken, so the organisation name did not appear in report headers.

[19186] ThemeLinkPopupFrm was opening too tall for use on some screens.

[19147] Fixed issue where the PAS Importer was creating a single Monument record for all Finds where the Findspot Reference was NULL.

[19094] Opening a report without any data was often crashing HBSMR, particularly on Access 2007.

[19067] CSV exports were combining multiple users' search results into the output file.

[19056] Improved speed of generating reports for large numbers of records (> c. 250 records) by about x4. This should help reduce the effect where if one user is running a large report, editing for other users becomes very slow.

[18897] Fixed bug where when a user permissions filter is in place, deleting a record results in the message "Sorry you are not permitted to view this record".

[18990] Monument Index form 'Record Type' field incorrectly allowed data entry.

[18982] LibraryLink was failing to find existing linked files when opened from Designations. NB this may require configuration changes if LibraryLink has been configured to work on Designations layers in the GIS.

[18978] Fixed bug where HBSMR crashed if the user cancelled on the Login Form - this should simply close HBSMR. Also, the Change Password functionality was not working correctly, and couldn't clear password for a user. We have also added passsword validation against a regular expression defined in the INI file with new optional setting: PasswordRegularExpression= If this is set, all users must have a password matching the required pattern.

[18977] A recent change in the AutoExec macro was making it harder to fix reference problems in HBSMR. Resolved by miving the DestroySession action after the CheckRefs action.

[18965] Revised Consultation Stages sub-report to order Stages in ascending Stage Number order and prevent overlapping text.

[18952] MonIndexStatusSubFrm - help button was anchored right so displayed in wrong place.

[18948] Consultations - it was possible to have two Stages with same Stage Number. We have fixed the database structure to prevent this, and renumbered any duplicate stages (with feedback about which records were affected). Also restored the previous behaviour that the cursor should go to the Stage Type after entering the Stage Number.

[18942] Fixed security loophole where Mon Description/Sources form was editable even when user had no editing permissions on the Monument.

[18913] The History was only updating the details of the record when it was opened, not when modified. The record caption in the History can now be refreshed using the Refresh button on the record details form.

[18891] Fixed bug where Mon.PrefRef was not automatically being updated when the user edits the Reference in Statuses/Codes.

[18882] Deleted table called "Name AutoCorrect Save Failures" which is not supposed to be present in front end.

[18828] Fixed bug where Monument Description tab failed to display data when MonSourceLink.SourceNo contains non-numeric characters.

[18796] Fixed bugs in Monuments Index affecting saving and loading filters.

[18639] Creating reports from record details forms sometimes didn't correctly hide other forms.

[17726] Fetch From GIS was not working for HLC when multiple layers configured.


[18782] Navigation between records using the navigation buttons caused an error to display when HBSMR was in debug mode. This has been fixed.

[18791] Records excluded from the filter results on the Monument Index form are now also excluded from exports.

[18803] It is now possible to link Designations records to other entities from the Memory.

[18817] The default sort for HLC Previous Type is now ascending on YearFrom, YearTo. This can be reversed by clicking on the column header.

[18829] Improvements to double-click search functionality and results list.

[18832] The map buttons on the HBSMR Browser form now respect the settings in UserLUT where user permissions are set to read-only.

[18835] Small fixes to the design of various forms and help button added to the PAS Import form.

[18844] Global recoder for ConsultationTypeLUT was failing and is now fixed.

[18850] Show map selection button on Index Forms was failing where there were map features with null UIDs, now fixed.

[18851] Improvements to filter by mapsheet on Index forms. It now returns records where the centroid is on the map sheet in question.

[18853] The task counter on detail form now updates when a new task is created from the record.

[18854] The Task form was opening behind the Detail form when Task counter button clicked. Changed so the the Detail form is hidden.

[18856] Browser caching form now shows a progress message for all entities and includes the number of idle minutes as appropriate.

[18857] PAS Importer now imports Unicode characters correctly, warning messages removed and hyperlink URL fixed.

[18859] The copying mechanism for HLC records has been tweaked to cope better with data inconsistencies.

[18868] Double click search facility on Consultations Ext Ref field is now working.

[18869] The Location tab on the Consultations Index form now allows wildcard searches on Name.

[18875] Date filters on Index Form Metadata tabs now corrected to return correct search results for a single day (ie where From and To dates are the same).

[18877] The Main Menu form was failing to open if a database glitch caused data to be deleted from the UIDs table. It is no longer dependent on this table, and should such a glitch happen the table is now automatically repopulated.

[18879] The Monument Type Additional Classification pop up form now displays the delete buttons when the vertical scroll bar is present. Previously the delete buttons were being hidden.

[18887] Various improvements to Tasks, including preventing users from seeing other people's tasks and allowing them to toggle between seeing open and all tasks. Task form no longer fails if an attempt is made to save without entering a description.


Prepared HBSMR for a revised hotfix mechanism required for 4.05.


[18783] Login form now displays system name correctly (was previously displaying a double ampersand when change to system name made according to upgrade instructions).

[18784] Changes made to prevent HBSMR from crashing if logging in as "Guest" when "Guest" was not found in UserLUT.

[18789] Monument tree period summary display now handles null end dates correctly.

[18790] The Monument Index form now returns correct results for searches on MORPH data.

[18792] Sources added to the monument description by linking from the Source Index Form are now immediately editable.

[18795] View on map button now works on Designations and HLC Index forms where multiple GIS layers are configured.

[18801] The Cons table was being locked when entering new Consultations records which generated errors. This has been fixed.

[18802] The record count returned by "Get from GIS" is now correct (was previously one too high).

[18806] There were not enough empty tabs on the Event  form which could cause an error on opening. A 14th empty tab has been added.

[18810] User fields were not displaying on the Consultation detail form.

[18811] Selecting a record in a filtered list and then pressing the space bar in the Monument Index form led to another record being randomly highlighted. Now fixed.

[18812] The Browser view was always opening when attempting to view a record with read-only permissions, whereas now the EditByDefault setting should determine the defalt viewing mode (details form or browser form).

[18815] The drop down Administrative Area lists were not refreshing when the Admin Area type was changed. Now fixed.

[18818] Attempt to delete a LUT record that cannot be deleted (using the LUT Editor) no longer causes HBSMR to freeze.


[18776] Period information on Finds detail form is updated without needing to refresh the main form.

[18777] The correct UID sequence is now maintained when copying Theme records.

[18778] Tasks flagged as complete in the main Task list are now assigned a date/time completed.

[18780] Correct licensing details now appear on About form.

[18781] Records can be viewed in Google Earth from the HBSMR browser form.


[18760] MORPH data is now migrated to v4 database from old HBSMR.mdb.

[18761] Forms can now be saved in last opened position on a second monitor

[18762] Improved filtering on Tasks form.


[8256] All Index forms now have the option in Include/Exclude specific records.

[8373] HLC Search: can now filter HLC with NGR + distance.

[9683] It is now possible to exclude all records on all Index forms. This allows for complex querying, such as where A AND B AND NOT C.

[10401] and [11968] User permissions on records can now be set without limitations Individual users can be assigned permissions ranging from -1 (no access) to 0 (read-only) to 1 (edit but not delete) to 2 (full rights) on every record in the database. Setting custom filters for users now has no adverse effect on system performance, as it did in version 3. See http://hbsmrdocumentation.esdm.co.uk/assigning-record-level-permissions for details.

[10632] Added the ability to order the tabs on Index Forms, using the SortOrder field in the relevant IndexFrmTabLUT. Can also switch off a tab by setting [Include] = 0.

[10638] The "var" fields for Sources have all been made 255 characters long.

[10639] Fixed issue where the browser text size setting could not be set by "Guest" users.

[10766] The User1 and User2 fields for Events are now 255 characters

[n/a] Labelling/captioning of all modules/entities can now be configured to client requirements using the EntityConfig table.

[10860] Provided HTML viewers for these XML exports: Designations, Events and HLC.

[10861] It is now possible to search for NULL values in the Validation field on the Index forms.

[10957] Events Index form - when searching by date, it is now possible to specify whether to find records whose dates are entirely within, or overlapping, the specified range.

[11792] The "browser cache" XML generation is now carried out using SQL Server stored procedures, functions and views, and runs at least 10 times faster than previously.

[12023] It is now possible for clients to create and edit their own custom Index tabs (however this does require VBA programming skills, and is only advisable with exeGesIS assistance!).

[12243] Events can now be filtered on the Description field.

[13199] Associated Files entries are now sorted in the order they were entered, by default.

[13365] The HTML editor in the Themes module has been entirely replaced, and now uses "CKEditor" - a widely used XHTML-compliant editor. The editor can be configured to client requirements, but the default configuration already greatly exceeds the functionality of the previous editor (for example it includes a tool to create tables within the content).

[13366] The "Memory" form (accessed from the Main Menu > Tools > Memory) shows a list of records visited in order.

[13366] The Memory form also allows records to be bookmarked. This is useful for records that are frequently used, such as certain Sources. Bookmarks can be shared with other users.

[13372] On the Event Index form, the Event Name is now shown in the default results list.

[13543] All detail and Index forms, and many other "helper" forms, can now be resized. Their size and position are remembered (per user, per machine).

[13543] The cosmetics of all forms have been updated.

[13814] Monument relationships can now be included when copying a Monument record.

[13944] Provided new Monument Full Report without SHINE information in the Designations or Statuses sections. To make this report available to users, add MonFullNoSHINERpt to ReportLUT.

[14143] The Events module can now use the Event Type Thesaurus. Whether or not to use this, or the old EventTypeLUT, this can be configured per Event Record Type, by displaying or hiding the relevant tabs, or globally. In addition, the version 4 upgrader provides a mechanism for migration data that has used the EventTypeLUT onto the Thesaurus.

[14203] The HLC module can now use multiple map layers, configured by Broad Type. This will allow the module to be used for different types of landscape classification, such as EUS/HLC/HLA.

[14204] We have made some labelling and cosmetic changes to the Designations module to accommodate non-statutory designations better.

[14397] and [16921] It is now possible to link multiple records (to any one record) from the selected records in Memory (selected records in History and Bookmarks).

[15104] PAS Importer now creates only one Monument where Find records share a findspot reference.

[15482] Index Forms now allow clicking into the text of the results, to see long entries and to select text for copying.

[15482] On Index Forms other than Monuments, navigating to individual records is now performed using a button at the right-hand end of each row, as on sub-forms across the application.

[15482] Index form results are now on alternately shaded rows, for clarity.

[15763] Added choices to the Monument merge function to a) choose whether to revoke/delete merged records, and b) merge or drop spatial features from merged records.

[16922] On the Index forms, it is now possibole to define a sub-selection of records from the result set, to "exclude" these records, to convert them to bookmarks, or to create Task for these records.

[16926] HBSMR now uses Access 2007 or 2010, and takes advantages of much of the new functionality those versions bring.

[17644] Tasks can now be assigned to users to help manage HER work.

[17671] On sub-forms multipls records can be selected and deleted in one operation.

[17758] New error logging mechanism, using new INI setting: ErrorLog=0/1. See http://hbsmrdocumentation.esdm.co.uk/error-logging

[17726] "Get from GIS" functions could misreport the numbers of records linked due to duplication of UIDs. Resolved.

[17783] The Main Menu has been redesigned in a dashboard style, with the menu commands arranged as a tree on the left. The contents of the main panels are customisable.

[17783] The Main Menu dashboard can show a Status tab, customised to show any subform (Access 2007) or any subform/subreport (Access 2010), configured on a per-user basis. This might be used to display statistics about the data in HBSMR.

[17816] It is now possible to include brackets in thesaurus candidate terms.

[17960] The MIDAS XML schema location has been updated in the MIDAS XML monuments export.

[18240] On the Monuments form, the HLC data has now been moved to its own tab. This means for clients who are not using HLC, it is easier to hide this section and show more Land Classification data.

[18241] The Notes field in MonPersonLink and EventPersonLink have been increased from 50 characters to 255.

[18293] There are now two new ways of managing the Monument Description in relation to its Sources. See http://hbsmrdocumentation.esdm.co.uk/monument-description-options

[18299] The default cursor position when opening popup text editing forms can now be controlled with ini setting CursorDefaultAtStartOfText=0/1.

[18388] When the Validation status is changed on a Monument/Event/Theme, this is specifically recorded (with the new status) in the Audit Trail.

[18491] Monuments + Sources: the Compiler field previously allowed entering free text values that were not in the Compiler table. Adding a new entry now prompts for whether or not to add the new value to the table, helping prevent accidental variations. Note that legacy values still display, so a former staff member can be removed from Compiler table and records that use that value will still display.

[18497] Referential integrity has been added between look-up tables and the business tables wherever possible. This helps in the application of data standards. It also changes the approach to managing LUT data.

[18528] When linking a Designation to a Monument record from the Statuses sub-form, and using the Designations Index form to find the record to link to, the Index form is automatically filtered to show the appropriate Designation type.

[18534] Improved usability of Monitoring "Damage By" data.

[18546] Added XML and HTML export and viewer for Consultations.

[18562] All forms have "Help" links to the relevant page on the HBSMR documentation web site. These links can be configured to take the user to a client's own help pages if required. Help pages can be displayed in the internal help screen, or opened in an external web browser.

[18719] On Monument, Event and Theme Detail forms, which can have the tabs set with the relevant RecordTypeLUT, the tabs are now only reset when moving between records if the Record Type is different from the previous record. This helps speed and prevents unnecessary form visual disturbance.


[17525] Ensured that the "User" field drop-down lists on Mon, Event, Cons, HLC, and Find modules refresh on entry to show new values.

[17526] Fixed bug where tabs on Sources form would not display in Access 2010.


[17381] Fixed bug where MSACCESS.EXE process was not closing when quit HBSMR on Access 2007/10.

[16712] Further improvements to 3.74 enhancement: Allowed multiple forms to be visible when moving between them, using new INI setting:
Forms can still be hidden using the Exit or "X" buttons.

[8373] Added Search by Grid Refereance and distance to HLC Index form.

  1. [15411] Facility to download data from HBSMR Gateway web service. Requires new ini settings in the [Gateway] section, as follows:
    ; New settings in 3.73 for downloading data from HBSMR Gateway web service
    ; list of RecordTypes that can be fetched from Gateway for import. Separate with semi-colon as value list, e.g. "Type 1;Type 2"
    GatewayXML2HBSMRRecordTypes="HER21 Feedback;LCCB@R Survey"
    ; if using proxy server
    ; 0 is infinite (no timeout)
  2. [16073] Control over pick-list behaviour. In previous versions, HBSMR has always automatically converted pick-lists to value-lists on-the-fly, to help avoid the problem of using up all available database connections. However this process in itself slows down system preformance. Behaviour is now configurable, with a new ini setting in the [Database] section:
     The number represents the threshold - any list with fewer items that this is converted to a value list (i.e. not requring a database connection). The higher the number, the slower the routine, but the better the protection against hitting the database connection limit.
    ComboMaxRecs=-1 switches off all conversions and will be best for speed, but increases chances of hitting the database connection limit.
  3. [16050] Fixed bug where copying an Event would put the Event Name into the Location field of the new record.
  4. [15574] Fixed bug where View Record button failed on DesigIndexFrm for Guest user.
  5. [15579] Changed form colouring routines for Access 2007, where tabs take on the same colour as the parent form automatically. Therefore HBSMR now colours any subforms on the tabs (but leaves them grey in pre-2007 versions).
  6. [15409] Improved code for linking LibraryLink SQL Server tables. If the LibraryLink database is moved, it is now necessary to delete the linked tables, correct the INI file, then re-start HBSMR.
  7. [16075] Removed forced check for RecordType when creating Mon, Event, Theme, Designation, HLC (because this was causing some problems with copying records and creating records from the map).
  8. [15927] Fixed bugs in the Map button on the Designation Index form, where incorrect messages could be shown if the user had selected more than one kind of Designation record.
  9. [15814] Added Delete button to MonLocationSubFrm, so can delete a Location/Addess/HistoricName record without opening the detail form.
  10. [15809] Improved user experience when record save fails against SQL Server. Previously you could get verbose technical error messages; now get user-friendly and more diagnostic messages.
  11. [15524] Improved email subject line for emailing usage log from Admin Functions menu.
  12. [15481] Fixed glitch when linked Source for Event chosen using index form, other Source fields were locked.
  13. [15502] Fixed bug where browser viewer could make Edit button active incorrectly.
  14. [16082] Fixed bug where LibraryLink button was enabled on the browser form even when not configured.
  15. [15575] Fixed bug where Browser form was linking to LibraryLink with incorrect record type, therefore not finding existing links.
  16. [15722] Fixed glitch with showing database record from map - user who preferred browser view was still being shown the editing form (if they had editing rights. Fix requires MapLink 4.2.
  17. [15415] Enhancement: Theme link checking can now use a proxy server, using the same proxy configuration as the gateway download above.
  18. [16710] Enhancement: Improvements to the way editing forms show "Filtered" in the header. a) "Filtered" will not show when Index form is showing ALL records. b) Index forms prompt whether to keep or clear all filters on exit. This is helpful where the user simply wants to clear filters and access all records on the detail/editing form. To suppress this new prompt, add this to the [Database] section of the INI file:
  19. [16711] Enhancement: with MapLink 4.2 for ArcGIS, can activate the tiling button with new ini setting. This adds a new button onto the MapLink toolbar, which tiles ArcGIS and HBSMR side by side.
  20. [16602] Enhancement: Improved feedback about bad config in IndexFormDataSourceLUT.
  21. [16714] Enhancement: Can now use hex codes (beginning with "#") or RGB codes to specify form background colour.
    For example:
    BackGroundColour=#F5F5F5 (See here for web colour reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors)
  22. [15556] Fixed bug where Include/Exclude did not work correctly on Mon & Event index forms (e.g. "Show Only" inclusions on Events did not work).
  23. [16239] Enhancement: Mon Index - improved type/date selector form behaviour, so that a) clearing a blank field does not cause a new row to be created, and b) can clear the type field without deleting row.
  24. [16238] Enhancement: Improved display of Damage on Mon Monitoring form to include the impact, e.g. Water action (Severe), Sheep (Moderate).
  25. [15412] Enhancement: upgrader now only runs scripts that have not already been successfully run.
  26. [15503] Fixed bug where linking an index form to a custom query that returned zero records resulted in all records being shown.
  27. [15751] Fixed various glitches with the Organisation form. E.g. going from a person to browser and back selected different person. Also "Show all" people gave error if the "0" Org did not exist. Also ensured the Organisation gets refreshed in the browser cache if a person is added/deleted/edited.
  28. [15755] Improved Gateway loading of "associated files" to process only new files.
  29. [15804] Fixed bug where accessing the thesaurus browser associated with Style and Decorative Features on the Component Type Subform of a Monument Record caused error.
  30. [16200] Access 2007 issue: stopped drop-downs going see-through sometimes.
  31. [16314] Fixed bug where browser caching could miss some Monument records.  If a MonUID is in [browsercache] identifying a LibraryLinkCollection record with NeedsUpdate=False, then the Mon with that UID would not be updated.
  32. [16712] Enhancement: Allowed multiple forms to be visible when moving between them, using new INI setting:
    Forms can still be hidden using the Exit or "X" buttons.
  33. [16713] Tidied up record linking to get rid of "Records linked" message and improve form refreshing.
  34. [16715] Fixed glitch where Thesaurus form search results were retained even when thesaurus form changed class (meaning search results records could not be displayed in the hierarchical tree).
  35. [16608] Improved speed up browser caching by converting the "Browser..." queries to parameter queries where possible.
  36. [14426] Allowed Monuments to use multiple GIS layers, determined by RecordType. Requires MapLink 4.2. Ask exeGesIS if interested in this option - it has some disadvantages.
  37. [15787] Fixed bug where if map layer has grouped layers config'd, cannot view map from browser form (got incorrect message saying no objects on map).
  38. [15411] HBSMR can now download files from URL addresses. Used as part of the tools to fetch data and files from the HBSMR Gateway.
  39. [15482] Fixed bug where if the '=' button was used to select a Source via the Source index form to attach to an Event record, then data could not be entered into the other fields (compiler, compile date, ...) until the record had been closed and re-opened.
  40. [15575] Fixed bug where LibraryLink associations created button on the browser form could not be seen from the editing form, and vice versa. This could have left bad data in table   LibraryLink_XGImageLink: check for records with [XGType]="Desig". If found, replace "Desig" with "Designation".
  41. [15737] Fixed layout of index forms in A2007 - when scrollbar appeared (after filter run) it obscured some of the form contents.
  42. [15738] Fixed bug with Monument copy procedure, where MonClass records were not fully linked to the correct monument after copying.
  43. [15777] In Access 2007, the navigation pane appeared on showing map selection in database - this has been prevented by referencing the external table rather than linking it.
  44. [16189] Can now initiate creation of new records from the map (requires MapLink 4.2).
  45. [16603] Fixed bug where re-attaching tables alters connection property of pass-through queries (causing problems if they were pointing at any database other than the main HBSMR database). Now all "z" queries are left unaltered on re-attaching tables.


  1. The Monument copy function now allows Contacts, Monitoring, Summary and Description to be copied to the new record. [11699]
  2. Monument type and Component type records may be copied with selected attributes. [8886]
  3. Fixed bug which caused error when "Show related monuments" was ticked on the Include/Exclude tab of the Monument index form. [12838]
  4. Fixed behaviour in Mon Type form Display Date, text can be inserted into field without the cursor jumping to the end. [12725]
  5. Fixed bug where adding new Monument relationships on Mon detail and Mon index forms raised an error. [13578]
  6. Creating new Monuments from the Events detail form now opens the Monument detail form. [12781]
  7. Creating Source records from Designations now links the records. [13222]
  8. HLC attribute tab no longer subject to multiple redraws. [13257]
  9. Fixed bug which caused error when exiting HLC Broad Type configuration form when it is launched by double clicking in the Broad Type field.
  10. Reduced description on the Find Period form to a single line. [13701]
  11. LibraryLink links can be included when copying records. [10917]
  12. Includes now included when saving Snapshots with non-default record sources. [10920]
  13. Clear all filters removes Includes and Excludes and resets HLC attributes. [11899]
  14. Automatic Log date for consultations has been reinstated. [12558]
  15. User1 and User2 fields on Designation detail form correctly show lists defined in either DesignationConfigLUT or DesignationUserFieldsLUT. [9454]
  16. Search results for read only users now include the full list of records found on Browser form. [13330]
  17. Improved feedback on the Browser cache management form. [12832]
  18. XML exports now only output the selected records. [13422]
  19. Fixed bug where invalid data prevented Finds records being deleted. [13702]
  20. Fixed bug causing failure of SQL Server to MDB tool to export records containing zero length strings. [12339]
  21. Copying Consultations and Find records now adds entries to Audit Trail. [12487]
  22. Sorting of related Source records on Browser forms improved. [13789]
  23. LUT re-coding tool now selects source table correctly. [13938]
  24. LibraryLink can now be launched from the Browser form. [10934]
  25. Entity imports improved: data sources containing read only queries now handles correctly, table names with non-alpa characters correctly handled. [10677, 10828]
  26. PAS records can now be imported without creating GIS points. [13246]
  27. Fixed bug causing record deletion from LUT tables to lock up on SQL Server. [13936]
  28. XML exports now run faster. [9764, 13643]
  29. Client installer can create the desktop shortcut. [13666]
  30. New generic Fetch Additional Geo Info button on Geographic Position form can retrieve attributes from any map layer. [10862]
  31. Global variables may be set, read and deleted in macros. Three functions SetVAr("varName", "value"), GetVar("varName") and DeleteVar("varName") are available to manipulate these variables.  [12712]
  32. New fields in UserLUT allow a default validation status to be set and control the ability to edit record validation for individual users [14152].
  33. Database window may be hidden with an ini file setting: HideAccessWindow=0/1 [14340].
  34. New value (-1) in UserLUT allows specific modules to be turned off for named users and denies them access to these records in the browser or from the map. [14341]
  35. Corrected foreign key constraints between Mon and MonType tables, and removed orphan records in MonType where necessary [14393].
  36. Fixed bug where a user opening HBSMR caused LibraryLink SQL Server tables to re-attach [15006].
  37. Address and Property reference can be retrieved from AddressFinder [15038].
  38. Improved Consultations Stage List so that the descr/eventcount and outcome refresh when data changed (in SQL Server). Also improved protection against allocating duplicate number to stages. [14458].
  1. Fixed a problem in logic of assigning SHINE candidate status to monuments (where monuments with null dates had been assigned as "unlikely").
  2. Fixed problem that could cause the SNHDv2 importer to fail with Arc MapLink 4.0.
  3. Fixed problems with SHINE export (xgSHINEExportQry and xgSHINEExceptionsQry).
  4. Improved code for fixing references to prevent spurious warnings on networked references.
  5. Fixed behaviour of Display Date on Monument Type form (for Vista compliance) so cursor moves to end after selecting from list, but still allow typing in middle of text.
  6. Fixed a glitch in v3.58 where linking a Monument to a non-SHINE Designation on the Designations Form set the SHINE Candidate Status to True for the Monument.

1. Added code to Main Menu form start to remove inactive log connections older than 48 hours
2. Fixed bug where MonType sub-records not correctly copied when copy monument. All are now copied, though hierarchy is lost.
3. Altered LibraryLink to remove linked Volume/Path tables, and dynamically change XGImageLink table to still generate full image paths.
4. Made navigation between forms faster by passing record ID as OpenArgs. This speeds things up the first time a form is opened, as only one requery is carried out instead of two.
5. Improved BrowserCache management to speed up caching, and to allow >1 session to process records efficiently.
6. Improved speed of many Browser queries. In particular, Monuments speeded up by changing the way data on related monuments is generated.
7. Improved creation of Cons record from Event form - now links the new Cons to the Event by automatically creating a Stage 1.
8. Event form - Finds sub-form. Pick-list of Finds was sorting on date then type, which was very slow to generate - changed to remove sorting - much faster.
9. Improved tab order and behaviour of Maritime form (e.g. entering Cargo automatically creates a MonMaritime record).
10. Alter SQL of GatewayLoadThumbAlreadyLoadedSubQry
SELECT GatewayThumbnail.idThumb
FROM (GatewayThumbnail INNER JOIN LibraryLink_Thumbnail ON (GatewayThumbnail.idThumb = LibraryLink_Thumbnail.idThumb) AND (GatewayThumbnail.metric1 = LibraryLink_Thumbnail.metric1) AND (GatewayThumbnail.metric2 = LibraryLink_Thumbnail.metric2) AND (GatewayThumbnail.metric3 = LibraryLink_Thumbnail.metric3) AND (GatewayThumbnail.checksum = LibraryLink_Thumbnail.checksum)) INNER JOIN zGatewayLoadThumbTextQry ON GatewayThumbnail.idThumb = zGatewayLoadThumbTextQry.idThumb
WHERE (((zGatewayLoadThumbTextQry.Caption)=nz([GatewayThumbnail].[descr])));
11. Increased size of Source.Originator to 150 characters.
12. From record detail forms, reports are now sorted in title order on the popup printing options form. The sorting is on ReportLUT.Desc.
13. Improved Event benchmark queries to check both Organisation.Organisation and Organisation.ListName for a valid name.
14. T10961. Admin areas on Consultations, Events, Designations and Monuments are now sorted using the SortOrder field in AdminAreaTypeLUT, then on the name.
15. Added recording of multiple reference numbers to Finds module.
16. Improved layout of "Other Refs" on Events form.
17. Added "Other Refs" onto Find full report.
18. Improved FindIndexFrm to show distinct mons/events in pick-lists (was duplicating).
19. Added Portable Antiquities Scheme importer. Note: this works with MapLink version 3.5, but requires MapLink version 4 for full functionality.
20. Improved all index forms to allow searching for non-preferred thesaurus terms (as well as non-index terms). This was needed to help find and clean incorrectly-coded records (e.g. after thesaurus upgrade), and was not previously possible.
21. Added new public function CheckTermAndGetID(strTerm,strClassIDs,optional blAllowNonIndexTerms) - returns TermID of matched term or 0 if not found. Can be used in queries.
22. Increased size of LandClass.Notes field to 255 characters.
23. Altered OASIS importer to use new schema location: "http://www.oasis.ac.uk/schema/1_1/"
24. Fixed Monument Index form Monitoring tab to stop duplication of rows in the Compiler drop-down.
25. Fixed problem where MapInfo MapLink window was staying in front of report preview.
26. Removed utility for automatically compacting HBSMR on close (this was new in version 3.56, but has been suspected to cause HBSMR.MDB to be deleted occasionally during network/server crash).
27. Fixed bug where cursor would not move to end of text and threw error if Mon.Descr > 32767 characters long. Still cannot move to end, but now moves to position 32,767.
28. Fixed bug where searching on Admin Areas containing apostrophes could give incorrect results.
29. Improved integration of HBSMR with LibraryLink v2, so that editing links between records and media files are logged in the Audit Trail and browser cache. Backwards compatibility with LibraryLink v1 maintained.
This requires changing configuration in HBSMR.ini to refer to the LibraryLink dll instead of the exe.
30. Can create and link a new Designation directly from the Monument form.
31. Fixed bug where an error could occur if administrator ran "Delete temporary tables" while an index form was open.
32. Added double-click search to Source Refs.
33. Speeded up display of linked Mons and Events on Finds form.
34. Moved all "x" lookup tables into a new MDB (HBSMRLUTreference.MDB) which will be installed during the upgrade. These table contain national standard terms/codes for all the HBSMR lookup tables.
35. Fixed bug where going to a Theme record did not respect read-only setting in UserLUT.
36. Added new method of setting up pick-lists for Designations User fields. Uses new table DesignationUserFieldsLUT. The fields only use values from DesignationUserFieldsLUT if the relevant values field DesignationConfigLUT has been cleared (e.g. [User1Values]).
37. Increased AssociatedFiles.Notes to 255 characters.
38. Fixed Gateway load to work LibraryLink v2 if ThumbsPlus is installed to any folder other than \Thumbs6. A new setting for the path to TPCMD.EXE has been added to HBSMR.ini
39. Switched Notes editor (on all main forms) to use the more powerful version that allows the user to change text size and cancel without saving changes.
40. Fixed bug where HBSMR Browser Form "Active Selection" list didn't compile correctly when attempting to display a spatial selection via the index forms (Cons, Designations, Events, HLC).
41. Fixed bug where read-only users could not go to the map for HLC records.
42. Fixed issue where Mon Index form search on a term+period, where that term occurred in >1 thesaurus class (e.g. "ROAD"), only returned records that had been coded using one of the thesaurus classes. Now records are returned where they match the term, irrespective of which thesaurus class it came from.
43. Improved the speed of selecting records by the "Last edited" date/user on all index forms.
44. Fixed bug where querying on lots of Mon Statuses/Refs caused error. Now gives warning instead of error, and keeps valid query.
45. Altered Mon Designations and Statuses sub-forms to display records according to the order specified in MonStatusLUT.SortOrder, or MonStatus.Desc if no SortOrder has been specified.
46. Fixed many Vista-compliance issues (e.g. problem entering mon/find type, problem entering carriage return in Themes editor).
47. Tightened validation on entering period (Mon/Find) to ensure that YearFrom is earlier that YearTo (and fixed Vista compliance).
48. Mon Description/Sources form - fixed problem where hitting Page Down key disrupted form layout.
49. Fixed bug where Consultation Stage list failed to display details for the selected Stage in some circumstances.
50. Corrected sorting of non-current admin areas in pick lists (i.e. so they apppear at bottom of list).
51. Added TermLUT.TermID and TermLUT.ClassID to Mon Type and Find browser cache queries (to allow cross-referencing the EH on-line thesaurus on the Heritage Gateway).
52. Improved behaviour of HLC Previous Types form and popup Period form, e.g. "Unknown date" now displayed when it should be, tab order improved, plus entering periods clears "Unknown date" correctly.
53. Improved speed of moving between the Morph Units list form and the Details form for each Unit. Improved validation on Morph form.
54. Fixed issue where Refresh button on Designations form would not refresh the linked Mon pick-list. T12233.
55. Added new fields to SMRCodes table to record both the Name of the record and the Organisation that runs it, plus whether or not the record is actively maintained (added NAME and ISACTIVE fields). Also moved table "SMRCodes" from HBSMRLUT.MDB (or SQL DB) into HBSMR.MDB to ensure one national common list. NB the Organisation & Name values in this table are not displayed anywhere within HBSMR - the ini file setting Organisation= is used instead. T11993.
56. Fixed bug on Mon Index form where previously-entered Find/Material/Component types were not "remembered". T11902.
57. Speeded up moving between next/previous records on all forms. Only affects when there is no index form selection. T12323.
58. Added double-click search onto Ref field on MonStatus sub forms (designation statuses and others). T12329.
59. Changed size of AAUID field in AdminAreaLUT (and all tables that use this) to 10 characters (to accommodate longer EH codes). T12338.
60. XY form NGR Qualifier fixed to respect SortOrder in GeoQualifierLUT. T12341.
61. Altered MonMaritime.LossDate from a date/time field to a text field. This permits storing dates pre-1753 on SQL Server, and also allows storage of dates with just a year, or just a year and month (as well as full dates). Converted existing data to new format (YYYY-MM-DD). T12356.
62. Increased size of Source.Var1 to 75 and Var2 to 50 characters.
63. On SQL Server, fixed sort order on pick-lists to show non-current records at the bottom of the list, in the following locations: Events form Organisation; Consultations form Cons Type, Devel Type, Overall Outcome; Consultations Stages Stage and Action. T12386.
64. Improved removal of temporary files routine to remove "~MAP*" and "xml*" files. T11999.


1. Fixed problem in BrowserConsStageQry and BrowserConsStageSummaryQry that could result in duplicating rows in Browser display and cache.
2. Access 2003 without service packs had bug that could end up in main HBSMR tables being copied into the HBSMR.mdb application database (instead of linked).
3. Fixed startup routines so they do not interrupt access to the LibraryLink tables for other users.
4. Fixed bug where record delete button was not working for some SQL Server users.
5. HLC Previous Types sub-form: changing the previous Broad Type now clears the associated HLC Type.
6. Performance improved for MDB users by keeping connections to HBSMRCACHE.MDB, HBSMRLUT.MDB and HBSMRTHES.MDB permanently open.
7. Performance of some queries based on MonGroup speeded up with UNION ALL.
8. Fixed bug with Theme caching.
9. Benchmark queries - altered BENCH_M_FAIL_PeriodSubQry so that a Monument with either a FROM or TO date would pass (previously both required, which was too strict).
10. HBSMR Gateway loading routines improved.
11. Monuments display in browser form - amended to show MonStatus designations where there is no actual Designation record.
12. UserLUT TextBoxSize field size increased to 11 chars to hold large window sizes like 18660,12520.
13. Fixed bug where including apostrophes or quotes within Organisation name (or list name) could cause errors.
14. Fixed bug where navigating away from the Monument description form then back to the Mon form could leave the Mon form locked.
15. Fixed bug where users with record filtering in place could see Source records they were not supposed to be able to see on the Monument Description and Sources form. Fixed same issue for filtered Monuments from Event form.
16. Added new feature to compact HBSMR.MDB automatically when last user closes. This can be enabled or disabled using new hbsmr.ini file setting AutoCompactOnClose=1 or AutoCompactOnClose=0 in the [Database] section. Note this only compacts HBSMR.MDB (i.e. the application, not the data).
17. Added ability to switch off the Consultations module in the hbsmr.ini file (e.g. for a particular user/machine). To switch the module off, add this to the [Consultations] section:
18. Corrected the display of alternative monument names in the browser form. Previously these only displayed correctly if there was an address. Requires refresh of browser cache for affected records.
19. Improved behaviour of HLC Previous Types when database is in SQL Server, to prevent locking errors.
20. Fixed Mon Maritime length/breadth/depth feet<->metre conversion popup - this was giving an error if user double-clicked an empty box.
21. Fixed the Organisation form to prevent accidental edits to the Unassigned (0) Organisation when accessed from Events form or Contacts tabs.
22. Increased size of MonLocation.Name field to 150.
23. Added Confidence to Evidence/Materials on Monument Full Report and browser view (Monument Type page).
24. Amended Thesaurus upgrade procedure to work with CSV files (the new supply format from EH).
25. Fixed bug where a monument with related monuments could not be deleted in SQL Server.

v3.56 was not generally released, so is included under 3.57 above.


1. Altered design of queries xgExportMonAdminArea, xgExportMonEvent to speed up the Monument Viewer XML/HTML export.
2. Improved speed of Mon Dublin Core csv export queries.
3. Fixed MonDCQry06 query which was failing on SQL Server.
4. Altered Mon Monitoring tab to show latest visit at the top (i.e. reversed the sort order).
5. Fixed bug on the Mon Index form for querying by the "Next Monitor Date".
6. General speed improvement for entities where no user filtering is in place. If for an entity (e.g. Events) there is no filter in place for any user (defined in UserLUT) then the base data source for all forms/reports etc will become the base table instead of a query on it. This results in faster performance. If user filtering is in place, the query must be used.
7. Preparation of images/files from LibraryLink, plus Associated Files, for web publication can now be fully automated within HBSMR as part of the HBSMR Gateway publication routine.
8. Fixed bug where filtering Events by Find Material returned no records.
9. Added bounding box and geometry to BrowserCache XML for all spatial entities.
10. Fixed bug where editing a Designation did not trigger the browser cache to update. This required changing the configuration in BrowserConfigLUT.ID and BrowserSubConfigLUT.ParentID to change "Designation" to "Desig".
Also required replacement of these files in the \XSL sub-folder:
XGDesigBrowser.xsl  + XGMonBrowser.xsl  + XGSourceBrowser.xsl
11. Fixed Google Earth button to work for non-GIS installations of HBSMR. Previously only worked if the installation had MapLink.
12. Fixed bug that was causing errors with SQL Server and the Audit Trail.
13. Fixed problem (caused by Access bug) where the htmlText field was being truncated in the BrowserThemeQry.
14. Allowed read-only users to use MapLink if configured. i.e. enabled map button on main menu for users without editing rights (e.g. Guest) where MappingForZeroPermit=2.
15. Monument Description/Sources form - changed the Refresh button on the Monuments form to refresh the pick-list of Sources that can be linked to.
16. Fixed problem where links to Google Maps from records were failing (fixed by changing WGS84 functions to return double precision numbers for Lat/Long).
17. Improved speed of Mon and Source index forms by working on base tables instead of queries.
18. Enhanced the MDLookup function so it can return only unique values and sort the list if required. Optional 2 extra parameters added:
8th param is DistinctVals = True/False (default=false)
9th Param is a string expression to order by. This must be a valid expression that could be used in a query on the relevant tables.
19. Added functions to export and transform tables into any XML output; can be used from macros.
20. Designations on browser form - added legal name - replaced XGDesigBrowser.xsl.
21. Stopped use of LibraryLink button flagging the BrowserCache for update. If make edits in LibraryLink, need to refresh the browser manually.
22. Fixed bug on Mon Rating/Score tab where use of Refresh btn could make the Event pick-list go blank.
23. Stopped the LibraryLink btn being clicked twice, which could cause errors.
24. Fixed bug where there was no right-click menu on Mon or Designation forms.


1. Creating an Event from the Consultation Stage sub-form now works correctly.
2. Deleting a Consultation with linked Events now works correctly.
3. MapInfo users can now maximise the map window and keep the other forms normal size.
4. General forms behaviour improved to avoid main menu appearing in front of other forms, etc.
5. Improved performance and content of grouping tab on Consultation detail form (pick-lists).
6. Improved People and Organisations form to prevent erroneous prompts about ListName.
7. Fixed bug where on viewing an Organisation in the Browser Form, clicking Edit took the user to the wrong record or a blank screen.
8. Fixed bug on Index forms Metadata form where filtering on the TO date of edit/creation could give wrong results (i.e. did not include the end date).
9. From browser form, can now edit in MapLink if the user has editing permissions on the visible entity. Otherwise read-only.
10. Index forms now display browser form when go to a record if the user is not EditByDefault in UserLUT.
11. General improvements to interaction between detail, index and browser forms.
12. Speed of building Mon Tree greatly improved if there are related Mons to display.
13. Allowed read-only user to view Google Earth by right-clicking records in index forms (except Mons).
14. Fixed Mon Tree so that Finds always show beneath their related Events.
15. Designations - fixed "Get from GIS" to prevent creating duplicate links.
16. Mon designations sub-form was not respecting user-specific record filtering.
17. Performance improved for all forms by re-writing functions that check user-specific permissions.
18. BrowserUserConfigLUT - removed unique index on UserName field - this was preventing configuration of multiple settings.
19. Fixed bug where Monument Index search for MonTypes with unknown date also returned records with Components of unknown date (and vice versa).
20. With SQL Server the Find form was giving locking problems after entering period.
21. Fixed bug where usage logging was not working in SQL Server - added Primary Key to xgSysUserLog.
22. HLC Index form Period - fixed to automatically clear the "All" box when enter dates.
23. "Clr" period button on Find form fixed to clear confidence flags as well as dates.
24. Monuments subform on Consultations form was not respecting user-specific record filtering.

3.53 (and earlier)

1. Where a term exists in multiple thesauri (e.g. Mon Type and Defence of Britain), e.g. 'Royal Observer Corps Site', index form searches would not find all records. Fixed to find all occurrences across all thesaurus classes configured for use in the relevant recording context.
2. Simple Search was not respecting record filters set for users in UserLUT.
3. Audit Trail - can now switch off automatic logging of modifications, by adding new setting to the [Database] section: AuditMods=0/1. This will improve performance on poor network/servers. Can still manually log audits.
4. MonSummaryRpt was giving errors.
5. ConsFullRpt was duplicating Stages.
6. HLC Previous types - records in the subform can now be copied and pasted (including Period info).
7. HLC Previous Type - From confidence field fixed to update correct field.
8. GetPeriod function fixed to return correct period names where periods share start years.
9. Creating a Monument from the Event form was giving errors.
10. Fixed bug where Index forms were sticking in "link" mode after user aborted a previous link attempt.
11. Deleting links to "parent" Mons in the Tree was failing.
12. XML/HTML exporting should be faster now that GetPeriod function is fixed.
13. Simple Search configuration added for HLC - switch off by default in SimpleSearchDisplayConfigLUT. Can be switched on by changing [Include] field to True.
14. Table indexes added: MonPersonLink (Role), MonMonitor (Stability), MonMonitor (Vulnerability), MonMonitor (Survival), MonMonitor (CompilerUID), MonMonitor (NextDate), MonMonitor (CompilerDate), MonLandClass (Type), MonLandClass (LandClassDate), MonMonitorDamageBy (DamageBy), MonMonitorDamageBy (Impact).
15. Amended MIDAS Mon export to include references to related Mons, Cons, Finds. (Includes replacement of file \xsl\xgMIDASxmlMon.xsl).
16. Improved speed of creation of browser Monument records by amending queries.
17. Amended configuration options for LibraryLink to allow users without LibraryLink licences to access the LibraryLink data in the browser. Can comment out "LibraryLink= " setting but leave
"Catalogue= " setting correctly configured.
18. Improved functions that check active users to return correct results if a non-default polling interval is used.
19. Changed design of MonFrm to rebuild the Tree only when it is the visible tab. This speeds initial load and moving between records when the Tree is not visible. Also stopped the Tree rebuilding when Monument name changed.
20. Improved performance of XML/HTML export by indexing temporary tables.
21. Improved performance of building browser cache records (100% improvement).
22. Added fields to Browser queries which are needed for HeritageGateway.
23. Fixed bug where commenting out the NetworkUserName setting in the ini file gave an error on starting HBSMR.
24. Increased size of Cons.ReferRef field to 50 characters.
25. Added code/tables/queries for the HBSMR Gateway Loader.
26. Improved UID searching to allow searching with or without 3-letter prefix, with or without wildcards.
27. Fixed bug where after copying an Event, the Event/Activity types did not display.
28. Fixed bug where the browser form did not correctly reference the xgbrowser.css file if HBSMR run using UNC path.
29. Added Lat/Long into the main entity browser queries.
30. Added new functions for transformations to/from WGS84:
NGRToWGS84Lat(NGR As String) As String
NGRToWGS84Long(NGR As String) As String
ENToWGS84Lat(east As Double, north As Double) As String
ENToWGS84Long(east As Double, north As Double) As String
WGS84LatLongToE(Lat As String, Lng As String) As Long
WGS84LatLongToN(Lat As String, Lng As String) As Long
WGS84LatLongToNGR(Lat As String, Lng As String) As String
31. Consultations detail form:- could not add a new Contact for the Agent using View/Edit Agent button. Also fixed so that it finds the correct Organisation if no person selected.
32. HBSMR Gateway Loader (default configuration) amended to load file extensions for LibraryLink items.
33. HBSMR Gateway Loader amended to use "z" queries for filtering and for configuring LibraryLink captions, so that client configuration will not be overwritten in upgrades.
34. Amended BrowserThemeQry to include the correct css class for the Record Type.
35. Amended Gateway Loader to process theme keywords.
36. Fixed problem where certain sequences of form navigation then printing a report could result in HBSMR locking up.
37. Fixed problem where browser cache was not allowed to go over 1GB. 2GB now possible (i.e. up to limit of MDB format).
38. On entering or changing Consultation Stage number, focus moves directly to the Stage Type combo.
39. Fixed problem in XGMonExport.xsl where Description was being output twice instead of Summary.
40. Improved patching mechanism to import custom macros from previous version (as well as tables/queries/forms/reports).
