HBSMR Web: Registration

A typical HBSMR Web site might have a small number of user accounts for the HER Officer and colleagues, while all other users are in effect anonymous (i.e. they don't need to log in). These user accounts can be created and managed by a single site administrator (typically the HER Officer).

HBSMR Web can also be configured to allow end users to register for an account, if desired. This may be desirable for external volunteers, for example. Applications will be notified to the administrator by email, and the account approved (or not) and put in appropriate roles. Accounts can be locked out or deleted if required, roles can be changed, and passwords reset.

The registration process can be configured to require agreement to terms & conditions (which can be edited by the website administrator).

The default registration screen collects typical set of fields (name, email etc) but can be extended to collect other bespoke fields if desired.

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