HBSMR WEB/API: How do I get it?

If you are interested in using HBSMR Web & API to publish your Historic Environment Record, please follow the guidance on this page.

First draw up a brief summary of what you want and why, noting in particular any areas of difference between your vision and other recent examples. Note that HBSMR WEB implementations can be customised to an almost infinite extent, so nothing is impossible!

Then please talk to us to register your interest. We will review and discuss your vision, to turn this into a functional specification with estimates of the time required for implementation. How much development time might be needed? Well, if you run a hosted HBSMR, if you want exactly the same as Highland but with your own corporate branding, and a few changes to map layer styling, this estimate might be 4 days of work. If you want a lot more, and/or on-premises installation, we will work out a price accordingly. If the work is non-trivial we would use an agile delivery model, to ensure a viable product is delivered within your available budget before moving on to less essential items.

We will also help you review whether you already have all the modules and MATS that qualify you for what you want. Note that this version of HBSMR Web & API work alongside the desktop HBSMR product, they do not replace it. If you do not have the required modules and/or MATS, we can give pricing for any missing components.

Note that one option is whether we work with you collaboratively in a GitHub area dedicated to your HBSMR Web build. We encourage take-up of this option, as we believe it delivers better results every time. It means that you gain secure access to all the source code for your build (you can download this for security), you see exactly what we are doing, track the status of the project, log issues and requests when they come to you, and collaborate with us all the way.

Once we have agreed deliverables and pricing, we will schedule your build. Depending on our backlog, the process take as little as a month if your HBSMR is already hosted with us. Installation on your infrastructure usually takes a little longer to arrange, so please involve your ICT colleagues early on in the process.

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